Thursday, February 2, 2012


It's back! I'm tired of facebook and it's time to go back to the way the internet should be......BLOGGING.

Tell a real story when you post something....not just use the internet as your bitching station.

I'm back to photography, but with a new focus. I'm doing photography for myself, not for money.
I went out with my Olmpus Ep1 and the 17mm lens today. I went to a special place for sunlight.
This only happens in small areas and many elements have to come together to create this light spectacle. If you get the correct distance away and open your aperture up enough to put the focus on the light......not the trees. You can get an amazing realistic shot of what your eyes really see with specific settings.
. I set my camera to f/10 1/40th of a second and used the shade white balance feature. This is definitely a beautiful shot. I grabbed a few more shots while I was their, but they are not quite as impressive as the previous photo.I think these few pictures really give a good idea of what it was like walking down that logging road. Sometimes it's the little adventures like this that remind you why it's so great to be alive. I hope these photos I share can give you a glimpse into that beautiful day.